Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cruising the western Cape

We finally left Cape Town couple days ago with decent weather!
Sadly the next storm was coming in and they had to cancel our white shark experience.
Wherever we go with an Ocean we seems to attract high wings over 20 knots...
We had issues in the Bahamas, the Virgin islands and now south Africa...bottom line:
We HATE the wind!
Dispite the bad weather we had a great ride with sightings of penguins, whales and incredible vistas!
Life is good around here, almost too good! Kind of California at half the cost and no crowd!
We are a bit disapointed since it is not what we were looking for in Africa.
That said we are enjoying it!
We are staying in a quaint little coastal town at a bed in breakfast overlooking the ocean that would be at least a 5 M dollars SA it cost 700k!
We had a great breakfast served by owner Wolfgang and decided to stay an extra day!
Tomorrow, we will drive closer to the ADDO game park (home of 500 elephants)
like california?

Whale around Hermanus....only 100 feet from the shore
breakfast overlooking indian ocean

Doggy enjoying scenery

maybe later......

1 comment:

  1. Who knew when I bought that Doggy that he would be a world traveler?! I can patch him up for the next leg of the trip when you home in February, if he has any loose filling. :-D
    Momo XOXOXO
